DeVry University System is a private (for-profit) university system in Illinois that has 12 schools/campuses. By school type (Carnegie classification), there are 12 in its system. All 12 schools offer both undergraduate and graduate programs.

The 2024 average tuition of the colleges is $15,032. The average graduate program tuition & fees is $15,032.

80% of the enrolled undergraduates have received grants or scholarships, with an average aid amount of $4,495. DeVry University System has a total enrollment of 32,786 and the students to faculty ratio is 9 to 1 (11.76%).

Colleges in DeVry University System

DeVry College of New York
New York, NY
DeVry University-Arizona
Phoenix, AZ
DeVry University-California
Ontario, CA
DeVry University-Florida
Orlando, FL
DeVry University-Georgia
Decatur, GA
DeVry University-Illinois
Lisle, IL
DeVry University-Nevada
Henderson, NV
DeVry University-New Jersey
Iselin, NJ
DeVry University-North Carolina
Charlotte, NC
DeVry University-Ohio
Columbus, OH
DeVry University-Texas
Irving, TX
DeVry University-Virginia
Arlington, VA

DeVry University System Core Statistics

System NameDeVry University System
Number of Schools12
Undergraduate Program Offered12
Graduate Program Offered12
Tuition & Fees$15,032
Graduate Tuition & Fees$15,032
Financial Aid$4,495
Acceptance Rate82.08%
Yield (Enrollment Rate)92.21%
SAT Score1,050
Students to Faculty Ratio9 to 1
Graduation Rate45.09%
Total Enroll32,786 students
Undergraduate29,435 students
Graduate3,351 students