533 students (51% of total 1,038 undergraduate students) have awarded federal, state, local, institutional or other sources of grant aid at Laboure College of Healthcare. The average amount of the aid awarded is $4,097.

All Undergraduate Financial Aid

At Laboure College of Healthcare, 533 undergraduate students (51% of total 1,038 students) have received financial aid including grants, scholarships, and/or federal student loans. The average amount of aid received is $4,097.

Financial Aid Statistics (All Undergraduate Students) - Laboure College of Healthcare
Type of AidNumber Receiving AidPercent Receiving Aid Total Amount of Aid ReceivedAverage Amount of Aid Received
Grant or Scholarship53351% $2,183,471$4,097
Pell Grants41740% $1,601,784$3,841
Federal Student Loan74872% $6,196,068$8,284

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