University of Massachusetts-Central is a public university system in Massachusetts that has 6 schools/campuses. By school type (Carnegie classification), there are 3 Research University (very high research activity), 1 , 1 Baccalaureate College - Arts & Sciences, and 1 in its system. 5 schools offer undergraduate programs and 6 of them offer graduate programs.

The 2024 average tuition of the colleges is $15,430 for state residents and $31,226 for out-of-state students. The average graduate program tuition & fees is $18,513 for state residents and $31,226 for out-of-state students.

71% of the enrolled undergraduates have received grants or scholarships, with an average aid amount of $10,213. University of Massachusetts-Central has a total enrollment of 82,612 and the students to faculty ratio is 19 to 1 (5.38%).

Colleges in University of Massachusetts-Central

University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Lowell, MA
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Amherst, MA
University of Massachusetts-Boston
Boston, MA
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
Worcester, MA
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
North Dartmouth, MA
University of Massachusetts Global
Irvine, CA

University of Massachusetts-Central Core Statistics

System NameUniversity of Massachusetts-Central
Number of Schools6
Undergraduate Program Offered5
Graduate Program Offered6
Tuition & Fees$15,430 in-state, $31,226 out-of-state
Graduate Tuition & Fees$18,513 in-state, $30,927 out-of-state
Financial Aid$10,213
Acceptance Rate79.53%
Yield (Enrollment Rate)16.73%
SAT Score1,243
Students to Faculty Ratio19 to 1
Graduation Rate60.60%
Total Enroll82,612 students
Undergraduate59,550 students
Graduate23,062 students