CUNY Hunter College is accredited by Middle States Commission on Higher Education. It has 3 programmatic accredited programs and 1 internships/residency accredited programs.

The following table describes the detail information of institutional accreditation information.

Institutional Accreditation
Agency NameAccreditation StatusPeriods
Middle States Commission on Higher EducationAccredited7/1/1921 - Current
(Estimated Date)

Programmatic Accreditation

ProgramAccreditation StatusPeriods
Didactic Program in DieteticsAccredited11/1/1976 - Current
ProgramAccreditation StatusPeriods
Clinical doctoral program in AudiologyAccredited9/1/2010 - Current
ProgramAccreditation StatusPeriods
Public Health (PHBG) - Baccalaureate and Graduate level school of public healthAccredited6/18/2011 - Current

Accredited Internship/Residency Programs

ProgramAccreditation StatusPeriods
Dietetics (DIETI) - Dietetic InternshipAccredited4/1/1999 - Current