University of Houston System Administration is a public university system in Texas that has 4 schools/campuses. By school type (Carnegie classification), there are 2 Baccalaureate College - Arts & Sciences, 1 School of law, and 1 Research University (very high research activity) in its system. All 4 schools offer both undergraduate and graduate programs.

The 2024 average tuition of the colleges is $8,267 for state residents and $19,865 for out-of-state students. The average graduate program tuition & fees is $9,265 for state residents and $19,865 for out-of-state students.

66% of the enrolled undergraduates have received grants or scholarships, with an average aid amount of $7,043. University of Houston System Administration has a total enrollment of 72,776 and the students to faculty ratio is 18 to 1 (5.56%).

Colleges in University of Houston System Administration

University of Houston-Clear Lake
Houston, TX
University of Houston-Downtown
Houston, TX
University of Houston-Victoria
Victoria, TX
University of Houston
Houston, TX

University of Houston System Administration Core Statistics

System NameUniversity of Houston System Administration
Number of Schools4
Undergraduate Program Offered4
Graduate Program Offered4
Tuition & Fees$8,267 in-state, $19,865 out-of-state
Graduate Tuition & Fees$9,265 in-state, $17,478 out-of-state
Financial Aid$7,043
Acceptance Rate78.05%
Yield (Enrollment Rate)21.82%
SAT Score1,118
Students to Faculty Ratio18 to 1
Graduation Rate44.25%
Total Enroll72,776 students
Undergraduate59,641 students
Graduate13,135 students