Paul Mitchell The School Boise -Paul Mitchell The School Coeur d'Alene is a Less than 2-year, private (for-profit) school located in Coeur d'Alene, ID.

The Paul Mitchell The School Boise -Paul Mitchell The School Coeur d'Alene's 2024 tuition & fees is $16,360 for the academic year 2023-2024.

Paul Mitchell The School Boise -Paul Mitchell The School Coeur d'Alene is related to Paul Mitchell the School-Boise (parent institute). It is accredited by National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences, Inc.. All campuses and schools can be found on Paul Mitchell the School-Boise page.

2024 Tuition & Fees and 2025 Estimation

For undergraduate programs, the 2024 tuition & fees of Paul Mitchell The School Boise -Paul Mitchell The School Coeur d'Alene is $16,360.

The estimation for 2024-2025 tuition costs is based on the cost change rates of last year.

Learning Opportunities and Campus Services

Paul Mitchell The School Boise -Paul Mitchell The School Coeur d'Alene does not offer online classes (distance learning opportunities) for any degree program.

Special Learning Opportunities at Paul Mitchell The School Boise -Paul Mitchell The School Coeur d'Alene
Learning Opportunities
Weekend/Evening CollegeNo
Teacher CertificationNo
Study AbroadNo
On-Campus Services
Academic/career counseling serviceNo
Employment services for studentsNo
Placement services for completersNo
On-campus day care for students' childrenNo

Paul Mitchell The School Boise -Paul Mitchell The School Coeur d'Alene Directory Information

Address410 Neider Avenue Suite B, Coeur d'Alene, ID
School TypeLess than 2-year, private (for-profit)
Carnegie Category
Highest Degree OfferedUn-Known

Tools for analyzing and comparing Paul Mitchell The School Boise -Paul Mitchell The School Coeur d'Alene

Ratings & Review

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