How much does Oregon State University-Cascades Campus tuition?
The 2024 tuition & fees of Oregon State University-Cascades Campus is $12,594 for in-state and $34,944 for out-of-state students. Oregon State University-Cascades Campus's tuition & fees has risen more than 5% this year.
Its tuition & fees is much higher than the average tuition for similar schools' tuition of $18,804 based on out-of-state tuition rate.
Based on the last year increase rate, The 2025 estimated tuition & fees at Oregon State University-Cascades Campus is $13,640 for Oregon residents and $37,270 for out-of-state students, a 6.7% increase compared to 2024's rate.
Oregon State University-Cascades Campus 2024 Tuition & Fees
Year | In-State | Out-of-State | Similar Schools' Average |
2022-2023 | $11,628 |
$32,763 | $18,457 |
2023-2024 | $12,594 | $34,944 | $18,804 |
Change % 2023-2024 | 8.31% | 6.66% | 1.88% |
2024-2025 Estimate | $13,640 | $37,270 | $19,158 |
How much do you actually pay at Oregon State University-Cascades Campus?
The living costs at Oregon State University-Cascades Campus is $18,111 and it is increased by 6.04% compared to the previous year for both on-campus and off-campus stay.
The Oregon State University-Cascades Campus's 2024 COA is $31,305 for in-state and $53,655 for out-of-state students for whom living on campus. The off-campus COA is $31,305 for in-state and $53,655 for out-of-state students.
61% of enrolled students have received grants or scholarships, and the average aid amount is $8,443. It could cover 24.16% of full tuition amount.
After receiving the financial aid, the net price is $22,862 for in-state and $45,212 for out-of-state students..
Oregon State University-Cascades Campus 2024 Cost of Attendance (COA) | On-Campus | Off-Campus |
In-State | Out-State | In-State | Out-State |
Tuition & Fees | $12,594 | $34,944 | $12,594 | $34,944 |
Room & Board | $15,075 | $15,075 |
Personal Expenses | $3,036 | $3,036 |
Books & Supplies | $600 | $600 |
COA | $31,305 | $53,655 | $31,305 | $53,655 |
COA with Financial Aid | $22,862 | $45,212 | $22,862 | $45,212 |
Oregon State University-Cascades Campus 4-Years Tuition
How Much is Oregon State University-Cascades Campus tuition for 4 years?
Oregon State University-Cascades Campus's 4-years tuition is $52,838 for in-state and $145,314 for out-of-state students, based on current tuition and change rate.
Oregon State University-Cascades Campus 4 Years Tuition & Fees Estimates
| Residency | Freshmen | Sophomore | Junior | Senior | 4 Years Total |
Class of 2028 (Entering Fall 2024) | In-State | $12,836 | $13,082 | $13,332 | $13,588 | $52,838 |
Out-of-State | $35,489 | $36,043 | $36,605 | $37,177 | $145,314 |
Class of 2029 (Entering Fall 2025) | In-State | $13,082 | $13,332 | $13,588 | $13,849 | $53,851 |
Out-of-State | $36,043 | $36,605 | $37,177 | $37,757 | $147,582 |
Class of 2030 (Entering Fall 2026) | In-State | $13,332 | $13,588 | $13,849 | $14,114 | $54,884 |
Out-of-State | $36,605 | $37,177 | $37,757 | $38,346 | $149,884 |
Class of 2031 (Entering Fall 2027) | In-State | $13,588 | $13,849 | $14,114 | $14,385 | $55,936 |
Out-of-State | $37,177 | $37,757 | $38,346 | $38,944 | $152,223 |
Class of 2032 (Entering Fall 2028) | In-State | $13,849 | $14,114 | $14,385 | $14,661 | $57,009 |
Out-of-State | $37,757 | $38,346 | $38,944 | $39,552 | $154,598 |
Net Price for 4 Years at Oregon State University-Cascades Campus
Based on recent tuition increase rate, for the students who were admitted in Fall 2024, the estimated 4-years COA is $130,299 for Oregon residents and $222,775 for out-of-state students.
Oregon State University-Cascades Campus 4 Years COA
| Residency | Freshmen | Sophomore | Junior | Senior | 4 Years Total |
Class of 2028 (Entering Fall 2024) | In-State | $31,805 | $32,312 | $32,829 | $33,353 | $130,299 |
Out-of-State | $54,458 | $55,274 | $56,101 | $56,942 | $222,775 |
Class of 2029 (Entering Fall 2025) | In-State | $32,312 | $32,829 | $33,353 | $33,887 | $132,381 |
Out-of-State | $55,274 | $56,101 | $56,942 | $57,795 | $226,112 |
Class of 2030 (Entering Fall 2026) | In-State | $32,829 | $33,353 | $33,887 | $34,429 | $134,498 |
Out-of-State | $56,101 | $56,942 | $57,795 | $58,661 | $229,499 |
Class of 2031 (Entering Fall 2027) | In-State | $33,353 | $33,887 | $34,429 | $34,981 | $136,651 |
Out-of-State | $56,942 | $57,795 | $58,661 | $59,540 | $232,938 |
Class of 2032 (Entering Fall 2028) | In-State | $33,887 | $34,429 | $34,981 | $35,542 | $138,839 |
Out-of-State | $57,795 | $58,661 | $59,540 | $60,433 | $236,429 |
Actual COA after Receiving Financial Aid
After receiving the financial aid, the net price for 4 years of attending the school is $96,527 for Oregon residents and $189,003 for out-of-state students.
Oregon State University-Cascades Campus 4 Years COA after Receiving Financial Aid
| Residency | Freshmen | Sophomore | Junior | Senior | 4 Years Total |
Class of 2028 (Entering Fall 2024) | In-State | $23,362 | $23,869 | $24,386 | $24,910 | $96,527 |
Out-of-State | $46,015 | $46,831 | $47,658 | $48,499 | $189,003 |
Class of 2029 (Entering Fall 2025) | In-State | $23,869 | $24,386 | $24,910 | $25,444 | $98,609 |
Out-of-State | $46,831 | $47,658 | $48,499 | $49,352 | $192,340 |
Class of 2030 (Entering Fall 2026) | In-State | $24,386 | $24,910 | $25,444 | $25,986 | $100,726 |
Out-of-State | $47,658 | $48,499 | $49,352 | $50,218 | $195,727 |
Class of 2031 (Entering Fall 2027) | In-State | $24,910 | $25,444 | $25,986 | $26,538 | $102,879 |
Out-of-State | $48,499 | $49,352 | $50,218 | $51,097 | $199,166 |
Class of 2032 (Entering Fall 2028) | In-State | $25,444 | $25,986 | $26,538 | $27,099 | $105,067 |
Out-of-State | $49,352 | $50,218 | $51,097 | $51,990 | $202,657 |
Oregon State University-Cascades Campus's Graduate Tuition
The graduate school tuition at Oregon State University-Cascades Campus is $15,075 for in-state and $30,978 for out-of-state studetns. Detailed graduate program tuition and majors can be found at Oregon State University-Cascades Campus gradute program page.
Oregon State University-Cascades Campus Graduate Tuition & Fees
Year | In-State | Out-of-State |
2022-2023 | $15,009 |
$29,805 |
2023-2024 | $15,075 | $30,978 |
Change % 2023-2024 | 0.44% | 3.94% |
2024-2025 | $15,141 | $32,197 |
Tuition Per Credit Hour
For part-time and/or full-time students who take additional credits at Oregon State University-Cascades Campus is $237 for Oregon residents and $718 for out-of-state students. The graduate tuition per credit hour is $498 for Oregon residents and $1,087 for out-of-state students.
Per Credit Hour Charge at Oregon State University-Cascades Campus
| Year | In-State | Out-of-State |
Undergraduate | 2022-2023 | $217 | $671 |
2023-2024 | $237 | $718 |
2024-2025 (Estimate) | $259 | $768 |
Graduate | 2022-2023 | $498 | $1,046 |
2023-2024 | $498 | $1,087 |
2024-2025 (Estimate) | $498 | $1,130 |
Oregon State University-Cascades Campus Tuition Charts
The following charts visualize tuition, fees, living costs, and other expenses at Oregon State University-Cascades Campus. You can enlarge the chart to view detailed information.
Compare Tuition with Similar Colleges
The following table compares tuition & fees between Oregon State University-Cascades Campus and its similar schools.
Tuition Comparison between Oregon State University-Cascades Campus and Similar Colleges
| In-State | Out-of-State |
Oregon State University-Cascades Campus | $12,594 | $34,944 |
Oregon State University | $13,494 | $35,664 |
University of Oregon | $14,751 | $41,194 |
Portland State University | $10,617 | $28,257 |
Chemeketa Community College | $6,210 | $13,905 |
Mt Hood Community College | $5,175 | $9,675 |