Paying for Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens

How much does Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens tuition cost?

The 2024 tuition & fees of Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens is $14,908. Its undergraduate tuition & fees is lower than the average tuition for Associate Colleges' tuition of $20,260.

Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens 2024 Tuition & Fees
YearTuition & FeesAssociate Colleges' Average

How much do you actually pay at Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens?

The living costs at Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens is $17,062 when living off campus. The off-campus living costs decreased by 853,200.00%.

The Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens's 2024 COA is $31,969 for off-campus living.

Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens 2024 Cost of Attendance (COA)
Tuition & Fees$14,908
Room & Board$13,534
Personal Expenses$3,528
Books & Supplies-$1

Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens Tuition Charts

The following charts visualize tuition, fees, living costs, and other expenses at Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens. You can enlarge the chart to view detailed information.

Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens 2024 undergraduate tuition chartCambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens 2024 COA (cost of attendance) chartCambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens 2024 room & board cost chart

Compare Tuition with Similar Colleges

The following table compares tuition & fees between Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens and its similar schools.

Tuition Comparison between Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens and Similar Colleges
Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology - Miami Gardens$14,908
Southern Technical College$18,500
Universal Technical Institute-Auto Motorcycle & Marine Mechanics Institute Division-Orlando$42,150
Compu-Med Vocational Careers Corp$44,050
Virginia College-Jacksonville$15,800
FVI School of Nursing and Technology$17,696

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