Degree Programs Overview

Carrington College-Reno offers 3 degree programs through Certificate, Associate's programs.

A total of 176 students completed certificate or degree programs between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023 at Carrington College-Reno. 37 students completed certificate programs and 139 completed associate programs.

The following table summarizes the number of major programs by offered degrees with number of completers( graduates ) at Carrington College-Reno. It only includes students who completed a program as the first major.

Total Number of Programs and Completers By Degree
Total ProgramsOnline ProgramsCompleters
Associate's1NOT OFFERED13927112
At least 1 but less than 4 years Certificate2NOT OFFERED37334

Popular Programs with Most Completers

Following programs are popular with most enrolled students at Carrington College-Reno.

At the school, the Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse Associate program has the most completers of 139 and the Medical/Clinical Assistant 2-Years Certificate program has the second most completers of 31 students.

Field of Study by Degree and Number of Completers

Below tables describes the major programs by offered degrees. You can check the online learning availability of each programs with number of completers. By expanding each table, you can view the major programs in the area of study that you select.

Medical Insurance Specialist/Medical Biller6 NOT OFFERED NOT OFFERED
Medical/Clinical Assistant31 NOT OFFERED NOT OFFERED
Registered Nursing/Registered NurseNOT OFFERED 139 NOT OFFERED

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