What does it cost to attend Dewey University-Manati?
The 2024 tuition & fees of Dewey University-Manati is $7,630. Its tuition & fees has not risen since 2020.
Its undergraduate tuition & fees is much lower than the average tuition for similar schools' tuition of $29,018.
Based on the last year increase rate, The 2025 estimated tuition & fees at Dewey University-Manati is $7,767 for Puerto Rico residents and $7,767 for out-of-state students, a 1.8% increase compared to 2024's rate.
Dewey University-Manati 2024 Tuition & Fees
Year | Tuition & Fees | Similar Schools' Average |
2022-2023 | $7,495 | $28,059 |
2023-2024 | $7,630 | $29,018 |
Change % 2023-2024 | 1.80% | 3.42% |
2024-2025 Estimate | $7,767 | $30,010 |
How much do you actually pay at Dewey University-Manati?
The living costs at Dewey University-Manati is $6,800 when living off campus. The off-campus living costs increased by 18.63%.
The Dewey University-Manati's 2024 COA is $16,030 for off-campus living.
92% of enrolled students have received grants or scholarships, and the average aid amount is $6,343. It could cover 83.13% of full tuition amount.
After receiving the financial aid, the net price is $9,687.
Dewey University-Manati 2024 Cost of Attendance (COA) | Off-Campus |
Tuition & Fees | $7,630 |
Room & Board | $5,800 |
Personal Expenses | $1,000 |
Books & Supplies | $1,600 |
COA | $16,030 |
COA with Financial Aid | $9,687 |
Dewey University-Manati 4-Years Tuition
How Much is Dewey University-Manati tuition for 4 years?
Dewey University-Manati's 4-years tuition is $30,859, based on current tuition and change rate.
Since the tuition & fees at Dewey University-Manati have risen very slightly (very lower than national average) over the last 4 years, the actual costs may differ from the estimation based on the school or University system's new tuition policy.
Dewey University-Manati 4 Years Tuition & Fees Estimates
| Admission Year | Freshmen | Sophomore | Junior | Senior | 4 Years Total |
Class of 2028 | Fall 2024 | $7,664 | $7,698 | $7,732 | $7,766 | $30,859 |
Class of 2029 | Fall 2025 | $7,698 | $7,732 | $7,766 | $7,800 | $30,995 |
Class of 2030 | Fall 2026 | $7,732 | $7,766 | $7,800 | $7,835 | $31,133 |
Class of 2031 | Fall 2027 | $7,766 | $7,800 | $7,835 | $7,869 | $31,270 |
Class of 2032 | Fall 2028 | $7,800 | $7,835 | $7,869 | $7,904 | $31,409 |
Net Price for 4 Years at Dewey University-Manati
Based on recent tuition increase rate, for the students who were admitted in Fall 2024, the estimated 4-years COA is $67,490.
Dewey University-Manati 4 Years COA
| Admission Year | Freshmen | Sophomore | Junior | Senior | 4 Years Total |
Class of 2028 | Fall 2024 | $16,356 | $16,693 | $17,041 | $17,401 | $67,490 |
Class of 2029 | Fall 2025 | $16,693 | $17,041 | $17,401 | $17,773 | $68,907 |
Class of 2030 | Fall 2026 | $17,041 | $17,401 | $17,773 | $18,158 | $70,373 |
Class of 2031 | Fall 2027 | $17,401 | $17,773 | $18,158 | $18,557 | $71,890 |
Class of 2032 | Fall 2028 | $17,773 | $18,158 | $18,557 | $18,969 | $73,458 |
Actual COA after Receiving Financial Aid
After receiving the financial aid, the net price for 4 years of attending the school is $42,118.
Dewey University-Manati 4 Years COA after Receiving Financial Aid
| Admission Year | Freshmen | Sophomore | Junior | Senior | 4 Years Total |
Class of 2028 | Fall 2024 | $10,013 | $10,350 | $10,698 | $11,058 | $42,118 |
Class of 2029 | Fall 2025 | $10,350 | $10,698 | $11,058 | $11,430 | $43,535 |
Class of 2030 | Fall 2026 | $10,698 | $11,058 | $11,430 | $11,815 | $45,001 |
Class of 2031 | Fall 2027 | $11,058 | $11,430 | $11,815 | $12,214 | $46,518 |
Class of 2032 | Fall 2028 | $11,430 | $11,815 | $12,214 | $12,626 | $48,086 |
Tuition Per Credit Hour
For part-time and/or full-time students who take additional credits at Dewey University-Manati is $180.
Per Credit Hour Charge at Dewey University-Manati
| Year | Tuition Per Credit Hour |
Undergraduate | 2022-2023 | $180 |
2023-2024 | $180 |
2024-2025 (Estimate) | $180 |
Dewey University-Manati Tuition Charts
The following charts visualize tuition, fees, living costs, and other expenses at Dewey University-Manati. You can enlarge the chart to view detailed information.
Compare Tuition with Similar Colleges
The following table compares tuition & fees between Dewey University-Manati and its similar schools.