National American University-Career Point College Teachout Site is a four-year, private (for-profit) school located in San Antonio, TX.
The National American University-Career Point College Teachout Site's tuition & fees is $10,944 for the academic year 2018-2019.
The school has a total enrollment of 42 and the students to faculty ratio is 10 to 1 (10.00%).
Tuition & Fees
For undergraduate programs, the 2019 tuition & fees of National American University-Career Point College Teachout Site is $10,944.
National American University-Career Point College Teachout Site is avtive but, the current year data is not available/reported.
Undergraduate | $10,944 |
Admission Key Statistics
Student to Faculty Ratio | 10.00% (10 to 1) |
Student Population » | 42 (all undergraduate) |
Data source: IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System), College Scorecard
National American University-Career Point College Teachout Site Directory Information
Address | 4522 Fredericksburg Road, Suite A-I00, San Antonio, TX |
Phone | 719-208-3802 |
School Type | four-year, private (for-profit) |
Carnegie Category | |
Highest Degree Offered | Bachelor's degree |
Ratings & Review
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