Paying for College Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island

What does it cost to attend College Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island?

The 2024 tuition & fees of College Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island is $10,488. Its undergraduate tuition & fees is much lower than the average tuition for Associate Colleges' tuition of $29,018.

College Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island 2024 Tuition & Fees
YearTuition & FeesAssociate Colleges' Average

How much do you actually pay at College Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island?

The living costs at College Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island is $16,425 when living off campus. The off-campus living costs decreased by 821,350.00%.

The College Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island's 2024 COA is $27,138 for off-campus living.

College Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island 2024 Cost of Attendance (COA)
Tuition & Fees$10,488
Room & Board$16,200
Personal Expenses$225
Books & Supplies$225

College Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island Tuition Charts

The following charts visualize tuition, fees, living costs, and other expenses at College Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island. You can enlarge the chart to view detailed information.

College Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island 2024 undergraduate tuition chartCollege Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island 2024 COA (cost of attendance) chartCollege Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island 2024 room & board cost chartCollege Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island 2024 books & supplies cost chart

Compare Tuition with Similar Colleges

The following table compares tuition & fees between College Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island and its similar schools.

Tuition Comparison between College Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island and Similar Colleges
College Unbound - Newport/Aquidneck Island$10,488
Brown University$68,230
Johnson & Wales University-Providence$39,992
Providence College$60,848
Roger Williams University$42,666
Bryant University$51,169

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