How hard is Ponce Health Sciences University-East to get into?
Ponce Health Sciences University-East acceptance rate is 57.95% for 2023-2024 admission. A total of 88 students applied and 51 were admitted to the school. It means that your chances of getting into Ponce Health Sciences University-East is not low.
To apply to Ponce Health Sciences University-East, recommendations is required to submit and personal statement (or essay) is not required but considered. The SAT and ACT score is not required, but considered for admission.
Admission Statistics
For the academic year 2023-24, the acceptance rate of Ponce Health Sciences University-East is 57.95% and the yield (also known as enrollment rate) is 66.67%. 21 men and 66 women applied to Ponce Health Sciences University-East and 12 men and 39 women students were accepted.
Among them, 7 men and 27 women were enrolled in Ponce Health Sciences University-East (Fall 2023).
Data source: IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) (Last update: July 3, 2024)
First-year Enrollment by Gender and Enrolled Type
For the academic year 2023-24, total 34 first-year students enrolled in Ponce Health Sciences University-East. The proportion of full-time students is 94.12% and part-time students is 5.88%.
By gender, the proportion of men students is 20.59% and women students is 79.41%.
The following table shows the first-year students by gender and enrolled type at Ponce Health Sciences University-East.
Data source: IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) (Last update: December 11, 2023)
Application Requirements
It requires to submit High School GPA, Completion of College Preparatory Program, Recommendations, and Other Test (Wonderlic,WISC-III,etc) to its applicants.
The SAT and ACT test score is not reqired, but considered in admission process at Ponce Health Sciences University-East. The english proficiency test is not considered.
The next table summarizes the application requirements to apply Ponce Health Sciences University-East.
For more admission information such as minimum GPA and deadlines, see its online application page .
General Admissions Information
The application fee is $30 for applying undergraduate schools and $90 for for applying graduate schools at Ponce Health Sciences University-East. The following table provides general admission information for applying to Ponce Health Sciences University-East.