In North Carolina, 8 colleges are offering Occupational Therapist Assistant programs
8 schools offer occupational-therapist-assistant vocational programs. The average vocational program's tuition at the schools is $39,586.
No schools offer the Occupational Therapist Assistant programs in undergraduate levels granting BS degree.
The detailed information including career path and average earning after graduation can be found at Occupational Therapist Assistant program page.
North Carolina Tuition for Occupational Therapist Assistant
8 North Carolina colleges have the Occupational Therapist Assistant program. By school type, there are 7 public and 1 private schools offering Occupational Therapist Assistant program.
The following table shows the number of schools by school type and level with average tuition & fees for Occupational Therapist Assistant programs at North Carolina colleges.
2023-2024 Average Tuition & Fees of Occupational Therapist Assistant at North Carolina Colleges
| Number of Schools | Tuition & Fees | Available Online |
Total | Public | Private | In-State | Out-of-State |
Vocational Program | 8 | 7 | 1 | $10,434 | - |
Bachelor's | No undergraduate programs available |
Graduate | No graduate programs available |
North Carolina Schools Offering Occupational Therapist Assistant Programs
8 matched schools
Public, 2-4 year
Asheville, NC
Tuition & Fees : $9,026 ($2,882 in-state)
Private, 4-year
Concord, NC
Tuition & Fees : $16,070
Acceptance Rate: 49.21%
SAT Score: 1020
Public, 2-4 year
Wilmington, NC
Tuition & Fees : $8,892 ($2,748 in-state)
Public, 2-4 year
Charlotte, NC
Tuition & Fees : $8,936 ($2,792 in-state)
Public, 2-4 year
Durham, NC
Tuition & Fees : $7,666 ($2,290 in-state)
Public, 2-4 year
Winterville, NC
Tuition & Fees : $6,578 ($1,970 in-state)
Public, 2-4 year
Salisbury, NC
Tuition & Fees : $6,672 ($2,064 in-state)
Public, 2-4 year
Sylva, NC
Tuition & Fees : $19,630 ($5,806 in-state)