Statistics for 9 Ohio Law Schools

The average tuition & fees of 9 Ohio law schools are $35,277 for state residents and $37,574 for out-of-state students for the academic year 2024-2025. The average GPA of the schools is 3.58 and the average LSAT score is 155. The average acceptance rate is 51.35%.

The following table compares ABA-Accredited Law Schools in Ohio law schools with important law schools facts.

ABA-Accredited Law Schools in Ohio Tuition and Admission Comparison Table
School NameTuition & FeesAcceptance RateAverage GPAAverage LSATTotal EnrollmentEnrollment (First-Year Students)Bar Exam Pass Rate*
Capital University Law School
private, Columbus, OH
$42,838 77.52% 3.45 150 463 148 77.44%
Case Western Reserve University School of Law
private, Cleveland, OH
$61,094 41.79% 3.70 160 664 161 72.90%
Claude W. Pettit College of Law
private, Ada, OH
$35,250 68.25% 3.40 148 196 85 50.94%
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
public, Cleveland, OH
35.88% 3.42 155 504 148 66.38%
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
public, Columbus, OH
33.08% 3.83 165 564 158 90.66%
University of Akron School of Law
public, Akron, OH
62.07% 3.52 153 431 122 72.15%
University of Cincinnati College of Law
public, Cincinnati, OH
47.66% 3.80 158 455 121 87.93%
University of Dayton School of Law
private, Dayton, OH
$38,843 34.30% 3.61 155 552 135 86.49%
University of Toledo College of Law
public, Toledo, OH
61.59% 3.53 151 353 103 69.89%
*The pass rate is based on the first time bar exam takers.