Statistics for 3 Oregon Law Schools

The average tuition & fees of 3 Oregon law schools are $53,860 for state residents and $57,826 for out-of-state students for the academic year 2024-2025. The average GPA of the schools is 3.46 and the average LSAT score is 157. The average acceptance rate is 70.82%.

The following table compares ABA-Accredited Law Schools in Oregon law schools with important law schools facts.

ABA-Accredited Law Schools in Oregon Tuition and Admission Comparison Table
School NameTuition & FeesAcceptance RateAverage GPAAverage LSATTotal EnrollmentEnrollment (First-Year Students)Bar Exam Pass Rate*
Lewis & Clark Law School
private, Portland, OR
$59,070 67.88% 3.59 160 660 157 77.58%
University of Oregon School of Law
public, Eugene, OR
75.23% 3.52 158 513 156 76.67%
Willamette University College of Law
private, Salem, OR
$53,994 69.34% 3.26 152 348 115 52.69%
*The pass rate is based on the first time bar exam takers.