This page shows colleges that you searched and saved.

We respect your privacy and we don't want you create additional web account to get college information. You have free access rights to get all information on For your convenience, however, we provide a safe way to save schools by using browser storage.

The list of saved schools only can be seen on the machine that you are using now. Your personal information is never saved.

Note that someone using your computer (family member or friends) may see the list when he/she accesses our websites. If you don't want, just press the "remove all schools" button below to remove all saved schools.

Alternatively, you can access your schools anywhere by generating URL for ther schools. BEFORE removing schools, just click the "Generate URL" buttons in the bottom of table. You may save the URL in your computer (i.e. browser bookmark or link icon ), social network, email, or wherever you want. Again, your any personal information is not shown.

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