Of the 1 colleges in Northern Marianas, 1 colleges offer online programs. By school type, they are all public schools.

By offered degree, 1 schools offer undergraduate level programs and 0 schools offer graduate programs through online.

The 2024 average tuition & fees of the schools is $5,520 for undergraduate programs and - for graduate programs. Schools may offer "in-state" rate for Northern Marianas residents.

A total of 183 students were in online degree programs or took online courses. It is 14.11% of total enrollment.

Northern Marianas Online Schools Statistics

The following table shows the 2024 average academic statistics for Northern Marianas Online Schools.

Northern Marianas Online Schools Statistics (2023-2024)
Number of Online Schools1 Online Schools (1 public, 0 private)
Tuition & Fees$5,520 Undergraduate
- Graduate
Student PopulationTotal 1,297 (1,297 in average)
Online Student PopulationTotal 183 (183 in average)
Average Number of Online Programs Offered0
Student to Faculty Ratio21.0 to 1

Northern Marianas Online Schools Comparison

The following table lists and compare Northern Marianas colleges that offer online degree and/or courses.

2024 Tuition Comparison Between Online Schools in Northern Marianas
NameUndergraduate Tuition & FeesGraduate Tuition & FeesTotal PopulationOnline PopulationNumber of Total ProgramsNumber of Online Programs
Northern Marianas CollegeSaipan, MP $5,520 - 1,297 183 14
Average$5,520 - 1,297 183 14.0000