There are 61 Connecticut Colleges - 10 public and 20 private schools. The average undergraduate tuition & fees of the schools is $15,006 for Connecticut residents and $29,662 for out-of-state students. In private schools, the undergraduate tuition & fees are $44,205. The average tuition & fees of graduate programs are $15,037 for Connecticut residents and $23,953 for out-of-state students in public schools. In private schools, the graduate tuition & fees are $22,418 in average.
Trinity College has the highest tuition & fees of $67,420 and Charter Oak State College has the lowest tuition & fees of $8,506 among Connecticut Colleges.
University of Connecticut is the largest school with 27,003 students and Hartford International University for Religion and Peace is the smallest school with 92 students among those schools.
Comparison between 61 Connecticut Colleges with key academic statistics