There are 18 Delaware Colleges - 5 public and 4 private schools. The average undergraduate tuition & fees of the schools is $8,258 for Delaware residents and $19,091 for out-of-state students. In private schools, the undergraduate tuition & fees are $13,230. The average tuition & fees of graduate programs are $13,853 for Delaware residents and $17,261 for out-of-state students in public schools. In private schools, the graduate tuition & fees are $12,559 in average.
California Baptist University has the highest tuition & fees of $39,720 and Delaware Technical Community College-Terry has the lowest tuition & fees of $11,828 among Delaware Colleges.
University of Delaware is the largest school with 24,039 students and Strayer University-Delaware is the smallest school with 270 students among those schools.
Comparison between 18 Delaware Colleges with key academic statistics