There are 146 Massachusetts Colleges - 15 public and 69 private schools. The average undergraduate tuition & fees of the schools is $12,788 for Massachusetts residents and $24,623 for out-of-state students. In private schools, the undergraduate tuition & fees are $46,146. The average tuition & fees of graduate programs are $14,335 for Massachusetts residents and $19,952 for out-of-state students in public schools. In private schools, the graduate tuition & fees are $31,847 in average.
MGH Institute of Health Professions has the highest tuition & fees of $93,980 and Quincy College has the lowest tuition & fees of $7,536 among Massachusetts Colleges.
Boston University is the largest school with 36,714 students and Conway School of Landscape Design is the smallest school with 18 students among those schools.
Comparison between 146 Massachusetts Colleges with key academic statistics