For West Virginia Community Colleges, the 2024 average tuition & fees is $5,173 for West Virginia residents and $10,831 for out-of-state students.

International Beauty School 4 has the highest undergraduate tuition & fees of $25,000 and Roane-Jackson Technical Center has the lowest tuition & fees of $3,970 among West Virginia Community Colleges.

You can narrow West Virginia colleges down into public schools and private schools to check tuition and other college costs in deep.

Costs of Attendance (COA)

The average COA of West Virginia Community Colleges in 2024 is $6,561 for state residents and $12,219 for out-of-state students including tuition, fees, books, supplies, room & board (on-campus), and other living expenses.

Table. 2024 Average Costs of Attendance for West Virginia Community Colleges
Tuition & Fees$5,173$10,831--
Books & Supplies$1,388$1,388
Room & Board--
Other Expenses--

Undergraduate Tuition & Fees

The 2024 average undergraduate tuition & fees of West Virginia Community Colleges is $5,173 for state residents and $10,831 for out-of-state students.

The following table describes the changes of average tuition & fees for West Virginia Community Colleges over last 5 years as well as recent year average tuition & fees.

Table. 2024 Average Undergraduate Tuition & Fees Changes for West Virginia Community Colleges (2020-2024)
*The amount of tuition for 2023-2024 includes fees.

Tuition Per Credit Hour (Part-time Students and Over Credits)

The undergraduate average cost per credit hour of West Virginia Community Colleges in 2024 is $199 for state residents and $398 for out-of-state students.

The following table describes the changes of tuition per credit hour over last 5 years.

Table. 2024 Average Cost Per Credit Hour for West Virginia Community Colleges (2020-2024)
2019-2020$209$341 --
2020-2021$183$350 --
2021-2022$181$371 --
2022-2023$186$380 --
2023-2024$199$398 --

West Virginia Community Colleges Living Costs

The average living costs of West Virginia Community Colleges in 2024 is - when a student lives on campus such as dormitory and school's apartment and $11,896 living off campus including room, board, and other living expenses.

The following table describes the changes of average living costs over last 5 years for West Virginia Community Colleges.

Table. 2024 Average Living Costs for West Virginia Community Colleges (2020-2024)
Room&BoardOther ExpensesRoom&BoardOther Expenses
2019-2020 -- $6,288$3,440
2020-2021 $9,226$2,000 $6,301$3,444
2021-2022 $9,226$2,000 $6,560$3,568
2022-2023 -- $7,073$4,124
2023-2024 -- $7,620$4,275