The 2024 average undergraduate tuition & fees is $6,987 for State residents and $12,873 for out-of-state students in public schools. The average undergraduate tuition & fees in private schools is $26,978 in 2024.

The average college living costs including room & boards and other living expenses is $14,456 when a student lives on campus housing such as dormitory and college apartment and $15,425 for students living off-campus.

For graduate programs, the average tuition & fees is $11,417 for State residents and $20,752 for out-of-state students in public schools. The average graduate tuition & fees in private graduate schools is $19,616.

Undergraduate Tuition & Fees

The 2024 average undergraduate tuition & fees of public schools are $6,987 for state residents and $12,873 for out-of-state students. In private schools, the average tuition & fees is $26,978 in non-profit schools and $17,594 in for-profit schools.

Table. 2024 Average Undergraduate Tuition & Fees By School Type
School TypeNumber of Undergraduate SchoolsIn-StateOut-of-State
Public2,035 schools$6,987$12,873
Private (not-for-profit)1,914 schools$26,978

Graduate Tuition & Fees

The average graduate tuition & fees are $11,417 for state residents and $20,752 for out-of-state students at public schools. The graduate tuition & fees in private schools are $19,616 for the academic year 2023-2024.

The following table shows the 2024 average tuition & fees for both undergraduate and graduate schools (2,035 public and 4,368 private schools).

Table. 2024 Average Graduate Tuition & Fees By School Type
School TypeNumber of Graduate SchoolsIn-StateOut-of-State
Public596 schools$11,417$20,752 schools
Private1,382 schools$19,616

Tuition Differences By School Levels

4-Years Colleges' Tuition

The 2024 average tuition & fees of four-years (or high) schools such as national universities and liberal arts colleges is $8,939 for state residents and $19,261 for out-of-state students in public colleges. In private four-years colleges, the average tuition & fees is $26,482.

Community Colleges' Tuition

The average tuition at community colleges (i.e. 2 but less than 4 years colleges) is $4,818 for state residents and $8,553 for out-of-state students.

Trade Schools' Tuition

In trade schools, the 2024 average tuition & fees is $9,886. The trade schools' average tuition is calculated based on the tuition for each school's largest programs.

Table. 2024 Average Undergraduate Tuition & Fees By School Level
School LevelNumber of SchoolsIn-StateOut-of-State
4-year2,703 schools$8,939$19,261
2-4 Year (Community colleges)1,632 schools$4,818$8,553
Less than 2-Years (Trade schools)1,738 schools$9,886