The average graduation rate of Wisconsin colleges is 54.79%. It means that 54.79% of students have completed their studies within 150% of program length.

For the bachelor's degree (BS) in 4-year Wisconsin colleges, the average graduation rate is 55.12%, which means 55.12% of students earned BS degree in 6 years after enrolling first year.

In Wisconsin 2-year institutions (i.e. community colleges), the average graduation rate is 54.24%.

For Wisconsin colleges, Herzing University-Brookfield has the highest graduation rate of 100.00% among 4-year colleges. For Wisconsin community colleges, VICI Beauty School has the highest graduation rate of 89.19%.

Graduation Rate By School Level and Completion Time for Wisconsin Colleges

The following table compares graduation rates between Wisconsin colleges. For 4-year colleges, the rates are based on the time it takes to earn a bachelor's degree, which typically requires 4 years of study. Therefore, 100% normal time means 4-year, 125% normal time means 5-years, and the 150% normal time means 6 years.

For community colleges (2-4 year schools) and trade schools, the completion time to measure graduation rates vary depending on the length of the program. For example, 150% normal time for 1-year certificate programs is 18 months and 3 years for 2-years associate degree.

Graduation Rate Comparison between Wisconsin Colleges
SchoolGraduation Rate
Transfer-out RateRetention Rate
In 100% Normal TimeIn 125% Normal TimeIn 150% Normal Time
VICI Beauty SchoolCommunity College58.11%-89.19%--
Alverno College4-Year College, private40.25%50.94%52.20%--
Madison Area Technical College4-Year College, public---19%0%
Bellin College4-Year College, private72.97%75.68%75.68%--
Beloit College4-Year College, private65.18%69.90%71.20%--
Blackhawk Technical CollegeCommunity College33.87%-41.94%5%53%
Carroll University4-Year College, private56.37%65.97%67.02%--
Carthage College4-Year College, private58.17%63.57%64.68%--
Concordia University-Wisconsin4-Year College, private48.41%57.11%66.67%--
Edgewood College4-Year College, private45.21%61.30%62.45%28%76%
Fox Valley Technical CollegeCommunity College32.96%-50.19%7%74%
Gateway Technical CollegeCommunity College32.09%-44.86%--
The Professional Hair Design AcademyCommunity College16.67%-75.00%--
Lakeland University4-Year College, private39.79%49.21%51.31%--
Lakeshore Technical CollegeCommunity College35.53%-47.72%5%69%
Lawrence University4-Year College, private61.93%76.14%78.02%--
Maranatha Baptist University4-Year College, private42.05%51.70%53.41%23%76%
Marian University4-Year College, private35.96%46.44%51.31%32%65%
Marquette University4-Year College, private66.48%81.37%82.52%--
Medical College of Wisconsin4-Year College, private-----
Mid-State Technical CollegeCommunity College31.03%-40.80%5%71%
Milwaukee Area Technical CollegeCommunity College7.68%-15.47%11%53%
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design4-Year College, private49.71%55.49%56.65%--
Milwaukee School of Engineering4-Year College, private51.73%68.31%71.04%19%82%
Moraine Park Technical CollegeCommunity College29.38%-44.69%7%79%
Mount Mary University4-Year College, private47.46%58.47%60.17%23%65%
Nashotah House4-Year College, private-----
Nicolet Area Technical CollegeCommunity College37.37%-49.49%13%52%
Northcentral Technical CollegeCommunity College25.00%-32.14%17%63%
Northeast Wisconsin Technical CollegeCommunity College43.13%-50.13%6%79%
Northland College4-Year College, private47.49%54.19%54.19%10%74%
Ripon College4-Year College, private47.17%55.19%56.13%--
Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology4-Year College, private-----
Saint Norbert College4-Year College, private69.26%71.91%71.91%23%82%
State College of Beauty Culture IncTrade School28.57%-61.90%5%78%
Southwest Wisconsin Technical CollegeCommunity College51.32%-55.47%3%73%
Viterbo University4-Year College, private46.95%59.81%60.77%--
Chippewa Valley Technical CollegeCommunity College34.66%-46.46%8%66%
Waukesha County Technical CollegeCommunity College24.25%-47.39%5%75%
Western Technical CollegeCommunity College32.31%-41.84%17%47%
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater4-Year College, public39.75%58.80%61.66%--
Northwood Technical CollegeCommunity College50.40%-60.32%4%77%
Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology4-Year College, private-----
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire4-Year College, public42.80%62.89%65.28%--
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay4-Year College, public35.86%49.59%52.31%--
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse4-Year College, public46.24%67.16%69.79%--
Wisconsin Lutheran College4-Year College, private51.32%67.11%67.11%24%75%
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh4-Year College, public27.84%52.45%57.57%--
University of Wisconsin-Parkside4-Year College, public21.14%35.49%40.06%--
Herzing University-Madison4-Year College, private25.00%-25.00%--
University of Wisconsin-Stout4-Year College, public26.12%47.44%51.92%--
University of Wisconsin-Superior4-Year College, public25.61%35.85%40.16%--
University of Wisconsin-Madison4-Year College, public71.30%87.76%89.23%--
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee4-Year College, public24.98%42.94%47.87%--
University of Wisconsin-Platteville4-Year College, public31.05%56.75%61.07%--
University of Wisconsin-River Falls4-Year College, public40.65%56.47%59.08%--
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point4-Year College, public37.87%52.83%56.02%--
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University4-Year College, public-----
Midwest College of Oriental Medicine-Racine4-Year College, private-----
Empire Beauty School-Green BayTrade School6.45%-64.52%--
College of Menominee Nation4-Year College, private-----
Ottawa University-Milwaukee4-Year College, private-----
Empire Beauty School-MilwaukeeTrade School3.06%-33.67%--
Milwaukee Career CollegeCommunity College15.04%-64.60%--
Rasmussen University-Wisconsin4-Year College, private-----
The Institute of Beauty and WellnessTrade School6.67%-84.44%--
Bryant & Stratton College-Wauwatosa4-Year College, private33.33%-33.33%17%64%
The Salon Professional Academy-AppletonCommunity College80.49%-80.49%--
The Salon Professional Academy-OnalaskaCommunity College87.50%-87.50%--
Paul Mitchell the School-MilwaukeeTrade School2.94%-38.24%--
Herzing University-Kenosha4-Year College, private-----
Herzing University-Brookfield4-Year College, private100.00%-100.00%--
Advanced College of CosmetologyTrade School53.33%-80.00%--
First Class Cosmetology SchoolTrade School56.25%-68.75%2%90%
The Salon Professional Academy-KenoshaTrade School--58.82%--
Shepherds CollegeCommunity College83.78%-83.78%2%77%
East-West Healing Arts InstituteTrade School26.67%-73.33%--
Paul Mitchell the School-MadisonTrade School8.33%-50.00%--
Aveda Institute-MadisonTrade School--87.10%--
Academy of Beauty ProfessionalsTrade School10.53%-21.05%--
Academy of Beauty ProfessionalsTrade School26.09%-30.43%--
Academy of Beauty ProfessionalsTrade School25.93%-37.04%--
Tricoci University of Beauty Culture-JanesvilleTrade School--30.77%--
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Flex4-Year College, public-----
University of Wisconsin-Parkside Flex4-Year College, public-----
Rasmussen University-Wausau4-Year College, private-----
Bryant & Stratton College-Bayshore4-Year College, private-----
Bryant & Stratton College-Racine4-Year College, private-----
East-West Healing Arts Institute - MilwaukeeTrade School-----