The average graduation rate of West Virginia colleges is 59.08%. It means that 59.08% of students have completed their studies within 150% of program length.
For the bachelor's degree (BS) in 4-year West Virginia colleges, the average graduation rate is 47.22%, which means 47.22% of students earned BS degree in 6 years after enrolling first year.
In West Virginia 2-year institutions (i.e. community colleges), the average graduation rate is 54.22%.
For West Virginia colleges, West Virginia Junior College-Morgantown has the highest graduation rate of 144.93% among 4-year colleges. For West Virginia community colleges, Roane-Jackson Technical Center has the highest graduation rate of 100.00%.
Graduation Rate By School Level and Completion Time for West Virginia Colleges
The following table compares graduation rates between West Virginia colleges. For 4-year colleges, the rates are based on the time it takes to earn a bachelor's degree, which typically requires 4 years of study. Therefore, 100% normal time means 4-year, 125% normal time means 5-years, and the 150% normal time means 6 years.
For community colleges (2-4 year schools) and trade schools, the completion time to measure graduation rates vary depending on the length of the program. For example, 150% normal time for 1-year certificate programs is 18 months and 3 years for 2-years associate degree.