A total of 19,062,680 students are enrolled in U.S. colleges including 4-year colleges, community colleges, and trade schools.
By gender, there are 7,997,239 men students and 11,065,441 students. The men to woman students ratio is 0.72 to 1.
In 4-year colleges, 57.98% of total enrollment is women students and 42.02% is men students. In community colleges, the women students' proportion is 57.67%.
West Virginia colleges have the highest rate of men students of 49.54%. Minnesota colleges have the highest rate of women students of 63.64%.
Student Population Comparison Table by Gender
The following geographic chart illustrates the student population by state.
Darker colored states have larger number of students, while lighter colored states have smaller number of students. You may want to click on a state to see teh details of student populations for all colleges in that state.
Student Population Comparison Table by Gender
The following table compares the student population by gender for each U.S. state. By gender, 41.95% of total students is men students (7,997,239) and 58.05% is women students (11,065,441).
In 2,990 4-year colleges in United States,
there are 5,970,756 men students which is 42.02% of total students. The proportion of women students at 4-year colleges is 57.98% (8,239,894).
Of the 4,568,716 students attending community colleges (2-4 years colleges), 42.33% are men (2,634,559) and 57.67% are women students (2,634,559).
In trade schools (less than 2-years schools), there are 92,326 men and 190,988 women students, accounting for 32.59% and 67.41% of total students.
You can sort the table by each column by touching/clicking the column title.