A total of 548,397 students are enrolled in Virginia colleges including 4-year colleges, community colleges, and trade schools.
By gender, there are 234,372 men students and 314,025 students. The men to woman students ratio is 0.75 to 1.
In 4-year colleges, 57.19% of total enrollment is women students and 42.81% is men students. In community colleges, the women students' proportion is 57.12%.
For Virginia colleges with more than 1,000 students, Virginia Military Institute has the highest ratio of men students (86.64%) and American National University has the highest ratio of women students (81.04%).
Student Population by Gender and School Level for Virginia Colleges
By gender, 42.74% of total students is men students (234,372) and 57.26% is women students (314,025) in Virginia collegs.
In 84 4-year Virginia colleges in United States,
there are 168,262 men students which is 42.81% of total students. The proportion of women students at 4-year Virginia colleges is 57.19% (224,777).
Of the 152,088 students attending Virginia community colleges (2-4 years colleges), 42.88% are men (86,870) and 57.12% are women students (86,870).
In Virginia trade schools (less than 2-years schools), there are 892 men and 2,378 women students, accounting for 27.28% and 72.72% of total students.
Student Population Comparison By Gender for All Virginia Colleges
The following table compares student population by gender and school level between Virginia colleges. A total of 548,397 students have enrolled in Virginia colleges including both undergraduate and graduate programs.