Rice University has the lowest ratio of students per faculty. It means that a faculty may teach small number of students and the average class size may also small. Its students to faculty ratio was 6 to last year.
Southern Methodist University and Abilene Christian University also have lower ratio of students per faculty.
For the ranking, we exclude schools with fewer than 5,000 students.
Rice University has the highest students to faculty ratio of 6 to 1. The highest students to faculty ratio means that there are many students per class and/or one faculty needs to take care of more students. Southern Methodist University has the second lowest ratio of 11 to 1.
The average undergraduate tuition & fees of the schools is $39,858 and graduate tuition & fees is $27,558 for the academic year 2023-2024.
The average acceptance rate is 64.90% and the average SAT score is 1,210 at the schools.