In the academic year 2022-2023, a total of 214,910 students have enrolled in four-years colleges in Alabama including undergraduate and graduate programs.
Compared to the population of 10 years ago, the the number of students increased by 2.42% from 209,842 to 214,910. The undergraduate population decreased by 1.93% and the graduate population increased by 18.63% in last 10 years at Alabama Colleges.
By gender, there are 124,561
women students and 90,349 men students enrolled in the schools. The women students increased by 6.19% and men students decreased by 2.37% in that period.
Student Population Changes
The average number of students over the past 10 years is 217,284, and 214,910 students were attending the schools in the academic year 2022-2023.
Of the total students, 75.51% are undergraduate students and 24.49% are graduate students. Over the past 10, the number of undergraduate students decreased by 3,196, and the graduate student enrollment increased by 8,264.
The women to men ratio is 1.38 to 1, meaning that there are more women students enrolled in Alabama Colleges than men students.
The following table and chart illustrate the changes in student population by gender at Alabama Colleges since 2014.
Year | Total | Undergraduate | Graduate |
Total | Men | Women | Total | Men | Women |
2013-14 | 209,842 | 165,484 | 75,377 | 90,107 | 44,358 | 17,166 | 27,192 |
2014-15 | 212,507 2,665 | 167,229 1,745 | 76,664 1,287 | 90,565 458 | 45,278 920 | 17,749 583 | 27,529 337 |
2015-16 | 213,524 1,017 | 168,278 1,049 | 76,831 167 | 91,447 882 | 45,246 -32 | 17,756 7 | 27,490 -39 |
2016-17 | 217,461 3,937 | 171,471 3,193 | 77,972 1,141 | 93,499 2,052 | 45,990 744 | 18,035 279 | 27,955 465 |
2017-18 | 221,008 3,547 | 173,769 2,298 | 78,391 419 | 95,378 1,879 | 47,239 1,249 | 18,245 210 | 28,994 1,039 |
2018-19 | 223,578 2,570 | 174,790 1,021 | 78,112 -279 | 96,678 1,300 | 48,788 1,549 | 18,481 236 | 30,307 1,313 |
2019-20 | 222,644 -934 | 172,815 -1,975 | 76,635 -1,477 | 96,180 -498 | 49,829 1,041 | 18,513 32 | 31,316 1,009 |
2020-21 | 220,550 -2,094 | 167,754 -5,061 | 73,614 -3,021 | 94,140 -2,040 | 52,796 2,967 | 19,286 773 | 33,510 2,194 |
2021-22 | 216,811 -3,739 | 163,435 -4,319 | 71,055 -2,559 | 92,380 -1,760 | 53,376 580 | 19,520 234 | 33,856 346 |
2022-23 | 214,910 -1,901 | 162,288 -1,147 | 70,682 -373 | 91,606 -774 | 52,622 -754 | 19,667 147 | 32,955 -901 |
Average | 217,284 | 168,731 | 75,533 | 93,198 | 48,552 | 18,442 | 30,110 |
Undergraduate Enrollment Changes
The average number of Undergraduate students over the past 10 years is 168,731. Compared 10 years ago, the number of Undergraduate students decreased by 3,196 from 165,484 to 162,288.
The following table and chart illustrate the changes in Undergraduate enrollment by attending status and gender at Alabama Colleges since 2014.
Year | Total | Fulltime | Parttime |
Total | Men | Women | Total | Men | Women |
2013-14 | 165,484 | 128,094 | 57,620 | 70,474 | 37,390 | 17,757 | 19,633 |
2014-15 | 167,229 | 130,374 | 58,736 | 71,638 | 36,855 | 17,928 | 18,927 |
2015-16 | 168,278 | 132,057 | 59,269 | 72,788 | 36,221 | 17,562 | 18,659 |
2016-17 | 171,471 | 137,303 | 61,856 | 75,447 | 34,168 | 16,116 | 18,052 |
2017-18 | 173,769 | 140,250 | 62,500 | 77,750 | 33,519 | 15,891 | 17,628 |
2018-19 | 174,790 | 140,405 | 62,155 | 78,250 | 34,385 | 15,957 | 18,428 |
2019-20 | 172,815 | 138,389 | 60,927 | 77,462 | 34,426 | 15,708 | 18,718 |
2020-21 | 167,754 | 133,549 | 58,183 | 75,366 | 34,205 | 15,431 | 18,774 |
2021-22 | 163,435 | 131,083 | 56,823 | 74,260 | 32,352 | 14,232 | 18,120 |
2022-23 | 162,288 | 130,343 | 56,654 | 73,689 | 31,945 | 14,028 | 17,917 |
Average | 168,731 | 168,731 | 59,472 | 74,712 | 168,731 | 16,061 | 18,486 |
Graduate Enrollment Changes
The average number of Graduate students over the past 10 years is 48,552. Compared 10 years ago, the number of Graduate students increased by 8,264 from 44,358 to 52,622.
The following table and chart illustrate the changes in Graduate enrollment by attending status and gender at Alabama Colleges since 2014.
Year | Total | Fulltime | Parttime |
Total | Men | Women | Total | Men | Women |
2013-14 | 44,358 | 26,924 | 10,842 | 16,082 | 17,434 | 6,324 | 11,110 |
2014-15 | 45,278 | 29,088 | 11,721 | 17,367 | 16,190 | 6,028 | 10,162 |
2015-16 | 45,246 | 29,080 | 11,780 | 17,300 | 16,166 | 5,976 | 10,190 |
2016-17 | 45,990 | 29,698 | 11,903 | 17,795 | 16,292 | 6,132 | 10,160 |
2017-18 | 47,239 | 30,211 | 11,959 | 18,252 | 17,028 | 6,286 | 10,742 |
2018-19 | 48,788 | 31,127 | 11,908 | 19,219 | 17,661 | 6,573 | 11,088 |
2019-20 | 49,829 | 31,653 | 11,721 | 19,932 | 18,176 | 6,792 | 11,384 |
2020-21 | 52,796 | 32,792 | 11,910 | 20,882 | 20,004 | 7,376 | 12,628 |
2021-22 | 53,376 | 32,297 | 11,694 | 20,603 | 21,079 | 7,826 | 13,253 |
2022-23 | 52,622 | 32,815 | 12,221 | 20,594 | 19,807 | 7,446 | 12,361 |
Average | 48,552 | 48,552 | 11,766 | 18,803 | 48,552 | 6,676 | 11,308 |
Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity Changes
The percentage of white students is 59.12%. The percentage was 59.74% 10 years ago and Alabama Colleges still has a high percentage of white students. 2.45% of enrolled students is Asian and 22.58% is black students.
The following table and chart illustrate the student population trends by race/ethnicity at Alabama Colleges over the past 10 years (2013-2023).
Year | American Indian or Native American | Asian | Black | Hispanic | Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | White | Two or More Races |
2013-14 | 1,298 | 4,037 | 56,633 | 5,840 | 208 | 125,354 | 3,109 |
2014-15 | 1,264 | 4,170 | 55,872 | 6,161 | 199 | 127,315 | 3,729 |
2015-16 | 1,277 | 4,447 | 54,699 | 6,794 | 208 | 128,200 | 4,360 |
2016-17 | 1,250 | 4,684 | 53,154 | 7,163 | 205 | 130,114 | 5,078 |
2017-18 | 1,184 | 4,791 | 53,243 | 7,704 | 260 | 132,904 | 5,396 |
2018-19 | 1,157 | 4,746 | 53,342 | 7,554 | 275 | 131,801 | 5,740 |
2019-20 | 1,087 | 4,822 | 51,979 | 7,768 | 254 | 131,024 | 5,790 |
2020-21 | 1,036 | 5,001 | 51,409 | 8,229 | 278 | 131,385 | 6,011 |
2021-22 | 970 | 5,158 | 50,193 | 8,429 | 377 | 129,613 | 6,139 |
2022-23 | 950 | 5,267 | 48,520 | 8,859 | 325 | 127,054 | 6,214 |
Average | 1,147 | 4,712 | 52,904 | 7,450 | 259 | 129,476 | 5,157 |
Distance Learning (Online Courses) Enrollment Changes
61,893 students are enrolled in online degree programs exclusively for the academic year 2022-2023, which is 29% of total students. The number of online students has increased 49.20% since 2013.
The following table and chart illustrate the changes in the online student population by enrolled type at Alabama Colleges from 2012 to 2023.
Year | Total Enrollment | Online Completely | Enrolled in Some Online Courses | Not Enrolled in Online Courses |
2012-13 | 211,683 | 41,482 | 41,111 | 129,090 |
2013-14 | 209,842 | 49,957 | 24,631 | 135,254 |
2014-15 | 212,507 | 49,208 | 28,124 | 135,175 |
2015-16 | 213,524 | 49,291 | 32,660 | 131,573 |
2016-17 | 217,461 | 52,051 | 32,091 | 133,319 |
2017-18 | 221,008 | 53,691 | 40,675 | 126,642 |
2018-19 | 223,578 | 57,720 | 47,821 | 118,037 |
2019-20 | 222,644 | 59,513 | 41,139 | 121,992 |
2020-21 | 220,610 | 74,138 | 81,126 | 65,346 |
2021-22 | 216,811 | 63,205 | 62,395 | 91,211 |
2022-23 | 214,910 | 61,893 | 62,358 | 90,659 |
Average | 216,780 | 55,650 | 44,921 | 116,209 |